Saturday, September 25, 2010

Re: Why Vimball archives are evil?


Thanks for the feedback.

> colorpicker

Do you mean

Since I don't have the python dependencies installed, I cannot test
but I don't see a reason why it shouldn't work when moving the vim
into a "plugin" subdirectory -- I'd assume this would have been
necessary with pathogen too?

> c-support

Do you refer to c.vim?
it seems to me that the plugin has many filenames hardcoded and
that it is installed in either ~/vimfiles (windows) or ~/.vim on

> DrawIt

Works for me. You have to use the commands though when invoking it
the first time.

> fugitive

This won't work because the commands are defined programmatically.
can make it work by adding the following commands to vimrc:

call TPluginCommand('com! -nargs=* Git', 'vim-fugitive',
call TPluginCommand('com! -nargs=* Gcd', 'vim-fugitive',
call TPluginCommand('com! -nargs=* Glcd', 'vim-fugitive',
call TPluginCommand('com! -nargs=* Gcommit', 'vim-fugitive',
call TPluginCommand('com! -nargs=* Ggrep', 'vim-fugitive',
call TPluginCommand('com! -nargs=* Glog', 'vim-fugitive',
call TPluginCommand('com! -nargs=* Gedit', 'vim-fugitive',
call TPluginCommand('com! -nargs=* Gsplit', 'vim-fugitive',
call TPluginCommand('com! -nargs=* Gvsplit', 'vim-fugitive',
call TPluginCommand('com! -nargs=* Gtabedit', 'vim-fugitive',
call TPluginCommand('com! -nargs=* Gpedit', 'vim-fugitive',
call TPluginCommand('com! -nargs=* Gread', 'vim-fugitive',
call TPluginCommand('com! -nargs=* Gwrite', 'vim-fugitive',
call TPluginCommand('com! -nargs=* Gdiff', 'vim-fugitive',
call TPluginCommand('com! -nargs=* Gmove', 'vim-fugitive',
call TPluginCommand('com! -nargs=* Gremove', 'vim-fugitive',
call TPluginCommand('com! -nargs=* Gblame', 'vim-fugitive',
call TPluginCommand('com! Gstatus', 'vim-fugitive', 'fugitive')
TPluginAfter \<vim-fugitive\> edit

But you're probably better off by simply loading it on startup:

TPlugin vim-fugitive

> manpageview

Works for me.

> repeat

I don't understand what it does.

> supertab

tplugin doesn't try to guess maps (with the exception of <plug>-type
maps). The user has to explicitely define maps that should load

call TPluginMap('imap <tab>', 'supertab', 'supertab')

> surround

The same as above. Due to the complexity of the maps you're probably
better of with loading the plugin:

TPlugin vim-surround


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