Sunday, September 26, 2010

Question on completion in vim command window

Hi Vim fanatics,
For the last year I've taken to vim more and more, and made it my main working environment for programming. Although I consider myself still a vim novice, there is a very big improvement with my work efficiency.
One of the basic principles that I try to maintain is that my fingers need to stay on keyboard all the time, and stretching my pinkies too much means I am doing something wrong as everything that is needed should be available within easy reach (e.g. use hjkl instead of arrow keys).
Now, I face this issue with vim command line mode when I want to auto-complete. In this mode, completion works great with the up down keys. However, those are very far for my fingers... I tried to find some shortcuts and saw ctrl-p, ctrl-n. But they are not good enough as they simply browse the history. I saw ctrl-a, but it shows all the matches while I want only the next one. I am sure there is a way to configure it, but I just cannot find it.
Any help with this is greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,

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