Friday, August 28, 2009

ANN: Tortoise : Automate TortoiseSVN from vim

I just uploaded this plugin that I have been using for over a couple
of years for my own use. When I started using TortoiseSVN, I really
liked how snappy its interface is and how it made several things very
convenient to do. Ideally I would love to do everything in Vim, but
none of the existing version control plugins that supported SVN were
up to my expectations, so I was torn between creating a new plugin
with complete functionality on top of the command-line client
(svn.exe) similar to what my perforce plugin does vs. creating a
simple wrapper on top of TortoiseProc.exe. Since the later appeared to
provide a faster route, I chose that, and thus Tortoise was born.
Please download it from here and send me your comments:

The script is very lightweight and the following sums up what it does:
- Simplify command-line syntax that TortoiseProc supports.
- Avoid specifying /command: and /path: prefixes and use less ambiguous
"-" as prefix instead of "/" (customizable).
- Allow multiple paths as space separated arguments, instead of having
to use the less convenient "*" as the separator.
- Add command-line completion to make it easier to type the commands.
- Allow filename special characters on command-line, such as % and #10.
- Make sure the paths are acceptable to TortoiseProc.
- Make sure paths have back-slashes, even if 'shellslash' is currently
- Convert relative paths to absolute paths.
- Support some aliases to the commands, such as submit->commit,
filelog->log, browse->repobrowser, status->repostatus

General Syntax:
SVN [-option[:value] ...] <command> [-option[:value] ...] [path ...]

SVN -startrev:11000 -endrev:10000 log %
SVN -log:just\ testing commit % # #10
SVN update .
SVN diff % ../other/%


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