Sunday, August 30, 2009

Re: Vim Suggestion: adapting tw to displayed with (vs. termwidth) if numbering

Linda W <> wrote:
> Suggesting [programmatically, :-) ]:
> When (vimoption(number) == true)) {
> when ("one uses text autoformat" (aka 'gqap')) {
> setlocal tw=disp_width'(dflt==0)) /' - nuw'(vimdflt=4,compat=8) /'
> }
> }
> ?
> Linda

That hard-wraps text to the size of your xterm. What happens if you
resize your xterm, as I simulated while
writing this post? Should we wrap diff-
erent regions of the document to diff-
erent sizes?


Chanoch (Ken) Bloom. PhD candidate. Linguistic Cognition Laboratory.
Department of Computer Science. Illinois Institute of Technology.

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