> Saluton Patrick :)
> Patrick Gen Paul <p...@gmail.com> skribis:
>> I have more than triple-checked and I do know that I am sending my
>> message "From:" the same email address I used to subscribe to the
>> list.
> New members have their messages moderated to avoid spam (which is
> plaguing this list, by the way), so even this message got moderated.
> After you send "proper" mail to the list (just like you have done), you
> are no longer moderated. That means that your first posts may suffer a
> delay if no moderator is reading the moderation messages.
> Usually the delay is quite low, a matter of hours in the worst case, but
> right now I'm not spending much time in front of my computer and maybe
> John isn't, either.
>> Per a button below this message, this will be "sent to moderators" so
>> maybe the will be able to help.
> I haven't received this particular message, I'm afraid, but I saw it in
> the moderation queue. Sorry for the delay, anyway ;) From now on you're
> no longer moderated, so your messages should appear as soon as you write
> them :)
Am I supposed to send to vim_use@googlegroups.com or vim@vim.org, btw?
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