Saturday, August 29, 2009

ANN: YankRing 9.0

YankRing.vim : Maintains a history of previous yanks, changes and deletes

What does it do?

Allows you to retrieve previous yanks, deletes and changed text and
cycle through them choosing which item you need. It also works across
Vim instances so they all see the same history. Useful for sharing text
across instances, especially when using Screen in *nix.

Thanks for everyone's feedback so far.
If you do try the plugin and find things that bother you, please send
me an email.

What is new?

BF: You cannot execute a macro with ":normal @a". It is still not
possible, but you can execute it with ":normal! @a" (A S Budden).

BF: When g:yankring_persist = 0 the YankRing could go into an infinite
loop (A S Budden).

BF: When replaying a macro which used any of the zap keys
(f,F,t,T,/,?) you were prompted again for the string to match on
(Ovidiu C).

BF: When checking the clipboard for changes
(g:yankring_clipboard_monitor == 1) only add the item if it is not
already in the ring. Previously, the item was moved to the top of the
YankRing each time you flipped focus.

As usual, feedback good and bad is always welcome.


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