Saturday, August 29, 2009

Re: Useless filler space below horizontal scrollbar in gVim?

On 18/08/09 20:32, Dennis Benzinger wrote:
> Am 18.08.2009 07:12, Kalebmcc schrieb:
>> So I have the bottom scrollbar enabled to compliment set wrap! and there is
>> some useless space beneath it when I maximize Vim.
>> When the window is not maximized, the scrollbar is the bottom of the Vim
>> window. When I do maximize it, a block of filler appears beneath the
>> scrollbar, about one line of text tall.
>> Is there a way to get rid of this? It's useless. If I could move the menu
>> bar there, it'd be great, but I can't (as far as I know). I have to use a
>> small monitor, so I want this thing GONE!
> The filler is there because the height of the interior of your GVim
> window isn't a multiple of one character height. I don't think there's a
> way to tell GVim to display a partial line of characters there. So if
> you really want to get rid of the filler don't use maximize but resize
> the window manually.
> HTH,
> Dennis Benzinger

Exactly. If you do

:set lines-=1 lines+=1

after maximizing, gvim will then release the "filler space" by making
its screen size just a few pixels less in height, without reducing the
number of editable lines. Personally I prefer to have gvim "really"
maximized, so I click the Maximize button near top right until those
"unused pixels" appear, completely covering the underlying desktop, but
that's just my preference.

In any case, the area below the menu bar (if any), toolbar (if any), and
GUI-style tab bar (if any) to the bottom of the screen (or to just above
the bottom scrollbar if any) is always an integral number of lines of
your current 'guifont'. If there is a fraction of a line (up to one
pixel less than a full line's height) left over at the bottom, it will
not be used.

IIUC, on X11 versions of gvim you might try tweaking the 'guiheadroom'
option (q.v.), which must be set before starting the GUI (e.g., in your
vimrc). I'm not sure what effect it produces.

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
112. You are amazed that anyone uses a phone without a modem on it...let
alone hear actual voices.

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