Thursday, August 20, 2009

Re: R indentation

On Jul 24, 1:04 pm, Tom <> wrote:
> > But it still doesn't indentRfiles correctly. See an indented result
> > below. Can somebody fix the bug in the indentation file forRand add
> > it in future version ofvim?
> There is also:
> And some other files.
> I personally use this version:
> setlocal indentexpr=GetRIndent()
> if exists("*GetRIndent")
>     finish
> endif
> let s:r_keywords_plus='\<\(if\|while\|for\)\>'
> let s:r_keywords_minus='\<\(else\)\>'
> fun! GetRIndent()
>     " Find a non-blank line above the current line.
>     let lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
>     " At the start of the file use zero indent.
>     if lnum == 0
>         return 0
>     endif
>     let ind  = indent(lnum)
>     let line = getline(lnum)      " last line
>     let cnum  = v:lnum
>     let cind  = indent(cnum)
>     let cline = getline(cnum)
>     if cline =~ '^\s*#'
>         return ind
>     endif
>     let lplus = (line =~ s:r_keywords_plus)
>     if cline =~ s:r_keywords_minus
>         if lplus
>             return ind
>         else
>             return ind - &sw
>         endif
>     endif
>     let cnt  = <SID>Count(line, '[[{(]', '[])}]')
>     let lrest = s:rest
>     if cnt > 0
>         return ind + &sw
>     endif
>     let cnt = <SID>Count(cline, '[[{(]', '[])}]')
>     let crest = s:rest
>     if cnt < 0
>         return ind - &sw
>     endif
>     if lplus && lrest == ''
>         return ind + &sw
>     endif
>     " Match things like:
>     "     if (ok)
>     "         do(something)
>     " But don't match:
>     "     if (ok) do(something)
>     let prev = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
>     if prev > 0
>         let pline = getline(prev)
>         let pplus = (pline =~ s:r_keywords_plus)
>         if pplus
>             let pcnt  = <SID>Count(pline, '[[{(]', '[])}]')
>             if pcnt == 0 && s:rest == ''
>                 return ind - &sw
>             endif
>         endif
>     endif
>     return ind
> endf
> fun! <SID>Count(str, rx_open, rx_close)
>     let s:cnt  = 0
>     let s:pcnt = 0
>     let str = substitute(a:str, '^.\{-}\ze'. a:rx_open, '', '')
>     let str = substitute(str, a:rx_open, "\\=<SID>Count1(submatch
> (0))", 'g')
>     let co  = s:cnt
>     let p   = s:pcnt
>     let s:cnt  = 0
>     let s:pcnt = 0
>     let str = substitute(str, a:rx_close, "\\=<SID>Count1(submatch(0),
> ". p .")", 'g')
>     let sep = stridx(str, "
> ")
>     if sep >= 0
>         let s:rest = strpart(str, sep + 1)
>     endif
>     if s:rest !~ '\S'
>         let s:rest = ''
>     endif
>     let cc  = s:cnt
>     return co - cc
> endf
> fun! <SID>Count1(match, ...)
>     let s:cnt  = s:cnt + 1
>     if a:match =~ '[()]'
>         let s:pcnt = s:pcnt + 1
>         if a:0 >= 1 && s:pcnt == a:1
>             return a:match ."\n"
>         endif
>     endif
>     return a:match
> endf

I put the above code in my ~/.vim/indent/r.vim file. But vim still can
not correctly indent, for example, the following file. Can somebody
take a look what the problem is?


$ cat whatcdf.R
for (f in list.celfiles()) {

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