> So I have the bottom scrollbar enabled to compliment set wrap! and there is
> some useless space beneath it when I maximize Vim.
> When the window is not maximized, the scrollbar is the bottom of the Vim
> window. When I do maximize it, a block of filler appears beneath the
> scrollbar, about one line of text tall.
> Is there a way to get rid of this? It's useless. If I could move the menu
> bar there, it'd be great, but I can't (as far as I know). I have to use a
> small monitor, so I want this thing GONE!
The filler is there because the height of the interior of your GVim
window isn't a multiple of one character height. I don't think there's a
way to tell GVim to display a partial line of characters there. So if
you really want to get rid of the filler don't use maximize but resize
the window manually.
Dennis Benzinger
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